Sunday, April 10, 2011

New Blog

So I made this blog as a way of putting my thoughts to paper....well at least putting them on the internet. Transient is defined as:
°Passing or disappearing with time; transitory.
°Remaining for only a brief time.

SO, this blog is basically all those thoughts you have in passing, when you're only thinking about it for a little bit, but you wish you could remember what is was you were thinking about?

Theses so called transient thoughts may not be how you really feel, or what you believe but it's what you were thinking at the time, they may be thoughts that aren't fully formed, or thought out well, but you can't help but have them? So, I decided I wanted to blog these thoughts so I know what it was i was thinking of long after I forget what I was thinking about.

You stay classer bloggers

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